Sunday, August 5, 2012

How Tablets Enterprise Application can HELP Filipino Entrepreneur

Tablet Enterprise Application Explosion Infographics

Enterprise applications are software's that performs business functions such as accounting, customer information management, procurement and order processing to name a few. This is typically hosted on servers and provides simultaneous services to a large number of users.

When laptop became affordable, they started selling in large numbers and now mobile devices will outnumber traditional computers. Laptop and desktop computers will be replaced with tablets and smartphones for personal and enterprise applications.

According to, tablet adoption will grow by 50% yearly and 4.5% market growth for Enterprise application this 2012. What does this data means to a Filipino businessman or entrepreneur?

How Tablets Enterprise Applications can Help Filipino Entrepreneur?

With explosion of tablets and increasing sales, is it powerful and versatile to replace laptop and desktop in enterprise application? Here are some businesses and application that tablets can make a difference in Philippines.

1. Tourism - With growing tourism in our country because of the new Department of Tourism (DOT) campaign "It's more FUN in the Philippines", Hotels can use tablets enterprise applications for improving customer interactions and check in speedy processing.

2. Retail Business - Retails stores using tablets for better customer interactions like showing the products to the customer, boost sales and using Plan-O-Gram (POG) applications. You can use POG in mapping your store, ensure sufficient inventory supplies and maximize sales.

3. Hospitals and Healthcare - How easy to record patients blood pressure, temperature and other vital signs using tablets? This will also improve efficiency, productivity and lessen administrative cost.

 Household Intention to buy Tablets and Smartphones in Philippines in the NEXT 12 Months -  Nielsen Study Oct 2011

4. Media - TV and radios stations can use tablets for improving, easy and more interactive reporting of news rather than on paper.

5. Government - How about Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), traffic, police enforcer using tablets in their line of work. They can capture photos of evidence instantly and uploads to database for accuracy and faster processing of criminal and accident cases.

The promise of Tablets in Enterprise are great like efficiency, added revenue income, cost savings and faster processing of data but adding it on existing system in your company will incur added cost like IT support and services, additional hardware and operating system.

So one question remain, will Filipinos adopt tablets for Enterprise application? To what extent and when?

Accenture Tablet Insight
Wikipedia Plan-O-Gram

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