Thursday, August 2, 2012

How to Increase, Improve your Blog Traffic, Visitors and Pageviews

Using Google Analytics to Increase and Improve your Blog Visitors and Pageview's

"What we cannot measure , We cannot Improve" and this is true with your blog. If you want to improve you blog traffic, unique visitors, pageviews and reduce bounce rate, we have to measure, monitor and analyze your blog current status first.

5 ways how to Increase and Improve your Blog Traffic, Visitors, Pageview's and Bounce Rate

1. Use Statistics or Google Analytics

Using statistics or Google analytics in your blog is a very powerful tool to begin improving or increasing your blog traffic, visitors and pageview's. With Google analytics you can get insight where a traffic coming either from referral, direct, search engine or from mobile.

Know the strength and weakness of you blog, discover the most popular content and the least read and the most search keyword. With a large amount of data available, you can analyze and ready to make tweaks and improvement of your blog little by little.

2. Set your Target Goal for Traffic, Visitors, Pageview's and Bounce Rate

What do you want for your blog? Do you have your goal? Make a goal, for example, you want to improve 5-10% increase in unique visitors monthly. Or if you have a bounce rate of 50%, you can lessen it by making some improvements on quality of your content reducing it to 5-10% thus, improving you pageview's from 2-3.

Set a realistic goal for your blog in a monthly basis and this will be your direction towards increasing your visitors base traffic.

Increasing and Improving your Blog Traffic and Pageviews is a Continuous Process

3. SEO and Quality Content

SEO - Search engine optimization plus making a quality content will definitely boost you traffic and increase visitors base. Search engine optimization means putting your blog's best foot forward when it comes to visibility in search engine. But focusing too hard to gain ranking on search engine may not delivered a desired results.

Remember that your visitors in your site is real people reading your content and making quality content that are helpful to them will be a "word of mouth" buzz and will build your site reputation and make other visitors direct to it.

Quality Content - To make a quality content write a unique, fresh and with added value for static topic you found in the web. I suggest also to make a hundred posts and determine what is the most read, most search, what readers like and most commented articles.

See what topics are least read and you can make improvement with that. Some topics get a high traffic and last for a few days and others get a low traffic but steady and lasting for months.

Pageview's and Bounce Rate - To improve pageview's is to reduced your bounce rate. Bounce rate, as the name says, a user found your landing page and exits without going to other pages of your blog. They have just bounce to your blog and back to other blog site.

One way of reducing  bounce rate is making quality contents and giving related articles or contents to your visitors. You can also consider by offering them the "most read article" in your blog and through this, you can increased you blog's pageviews. Imagine, you have 1 unique/returning visitor making a pageview's of 3, is that a good indication of your blog quality content?

In addition, with your site already optimized for desktop users, making you blog optimized for mobile will also improve and increase visitor's base traffic.

4. Promote your Blog in the Right Way

If you have a new content, you can organically promote it through social media networking sites. Online and offline promotion is very rewarding tasks and reaching out those communities and forums related to your site is also helpful.

5. Continuous Improvement

Traffic, visitors (either new or returning), pageview's will gradually increase as you optimized and improve your blog. So, the question is do we need to stop improving our blog if we already attain our goals?

Remember, the web is constantly changing and user or consumers interest is also changing with time. Your "most read article" for today will be the least read tomorrow. It is important to continuously review, monitor, analyze and improve your blog from time to time and set a new goals to meet you readers needs.

Google Webmasters

Related Articles:
+ GbSb's Top 5 Most Read Technology Blog Post for 2012
+ GbSb's Top 5 Most Read Technology Blog Post - First Year Anniversary
+ SEO Blogging - Improve your Blog Traffic in Google Search Engine Results
+ The World's 7th Billion Baby and My 7 Reasons of Blogging

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